Monday, February 10, 2014

Elite Car Club

The Smart Car is a scarce car in the United States and the Electric Smart, even more so.  Granted it's utility is best found where parking is slim and distances short.  But those who have never owned or driven a Smart, are unaware of what they are missing.

It takes a certain sort of person to appreciate the utility of the Smart Car.  Although smaller vehicles are quite popular in Europe and Asia, people from the United States aren't so keen on such vehicles.  One of the first questions that I get when I am approached by people, is regarding the capacity.  They want to know how I, a near-2m tall person, fit inside such a small car.  Then they want to know how much space there is for storage of things in the back.  Then the usual about electrics, range, charge time, etc.

What most people seem to miss is that the Smart ForTwo ED has more power than just about any other car comparative to its size. Although as an electric it's not ideal for long journeys, it's perfect for all the short commutes around town that so many people do on a daily basis. But even more so, in-town travel is horrible for internal combustion engine vehicles, whereas an electric thrives.

There is a distinct comradery among the elite few who own a Smart Car, let alone the even more elite fewer who own the Electric Drive.  We are enthusiasts, aficionados of small, efficient vehicles.  Of course anyone can get into this market, the price of the gas ForTwo starts around $12k and the electric around $20k.  But how many people are ready for the fun, the awe, and the passion of driving the smallest production car in the U.S.?

The Smart Elite Car Club may very well stay that way for a long time to come, and in my opinion, that's just fine.  It takes a certain kind of person to appreciate the finer aspects of this group of vehicles and only those who are ready, will find a home in one. Until then, I'll be zooming about, finding all the best compact parking, electric vehicle ONLY spots, and driving one of the most efficient cars on the road (at $0.019 / mile).

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